International Recruitment Partners

Become a Recruitment Partner!

澳门赌场在线娱乐感谢招聘合作伙伴所做的辛勤工作 information to interested students. If you would like to become one of our official recruitment partners, please review the following.

Recruitment Partner Process

  1. 仔细阅读我们对招聘伙伴的指导方针和期望.
  2. 通过我们的网站申请成为澳门赌场在线娱乐的招聘合作伙伴 online form external website.
  3. 在两周内,我们会回复你,让你知道你是否被录取 our official agents.
  4. 如果您被接受为我们的代理商之一,我们将与您共享一个电子合作伙伴 一个文件夹,里面有小册子、授权证书和正式合同.
  5. 当您在等待您的招聘合作伙伴的资料时,请阅读我们的频繁 关于有条件录取的信息、如何申请、开始日期、 deadlines, scholarships and financial aid and much more.

Recruitment Partner FAQ

Is Admission guaranteed?

No, admission is not guaranteed.


Yes, we do accept emailed documents. They will be considered unofficial, if accepted 学生需要邮寄或携带官方文件的原件.

What are the minimum GPA requirements?

Our minimum GPA requirement is not published. Many factors are taken into consideration when a student applies. 学生必须正式申请才能知道他们是否愿意 be accepted

Do you accept 3-year bachelor’s degrees?

三年制学士学位是根据具体情况评估的. Students must formally apply to find out if their 3 year degree will be accepted.

Do you require an outside evaluation such as a WES?

只要成绩单是英文的,我们不需要任何外部评价 除非学术部门特别要求或任何转学需要 credits. 

Can I get an application fee waiver

Yes! 我们为本科生和研究生的强化英语课程提供豁免 students. 一旦正式合同签订,您将在招聘时收到这份合同 partner information.


所有学生在被录取后必须提交他们的经济支持. The Certification 需要提交财务状况表格和银行对账单才能收到I-20 us.

What is the estimated tuition and costs to attend Wilkes?

Estimated costs can be found on our International Tuition and Scholarships page.

Is an enrollment deposit required for admitted students?

We do require an enrollment deposit for admitted students. We do advise students to 等到他们获得签证后再支付入学押金,因为押金是不可退还的.

Make an Enrollment Deposit



Find Undergraduate Scholarship Opportunities


澳门赌场在线娱乐提供有限数量的研究生助理职位. We’re happy to help you with the application process. Email the International Graduate Admissions office at or call 1-800-WilkesU (ext. 4235) with any questions.

Find Graduate Assistant Positions

Intensive English Program

Scholarship & 强化英语课程不提供经济资助.

Can students work on or off campus?

对于持F-1学生签证的国际学生来说,有关工作的法律是非常严格的. By law, students in the U.S. on an F-1 visa are only legally permitted to work on 在学期中,每周有一定的时间可以到学校. It is illegal for an F-1 student to work off-campus. In specific circumstance for Curricular Practical 可以考虑为您的学习项目提供必要的校外培训(CPT) with your immigration advisor.

关于学生的校内工作,职位数量非常有限 国际学生有资格在那里工作. These positions are 竞争也非常激烈,你将无法申请,直到你到达之后 at Wilkes. 支付给这些职位的金额不足以为你的工作做出贡献 tuition cost or housing. 这些职位的工资也就够了 帮助支付书的费用,也许是保险或零食的费用.

What is the SEVIS Fee Payment?

美国国土安全部(DHS)要求申请F-1签证的人 或J-1签证,在申请签证前一次性支付SEVIS费用. The SEVIS Fee for F-1 visas is $200. The SEVIS fee for J-1 visas is $180. This is in addition to the normal visa processing fee of US$160. The SEVIS fee helps to pay for SEVIS (Student and Exchange Information System) that U.S. schools use to issue I-20 forms.

How do I apply for my student?

学生必须使用自己的电子邮件完成以下相关的在线申请 address. We only accept online applications.

Undergraduate Application

Graduate Application

How will you know the application is for my student?

在申请时,批准的机构将能够在申请期间选择他们的名称 process so we are able to easily track your students.

What majors do you offer?


View Our Programs

What are the admission requirements ?


Review Admissions Requirements

How do I apply to live on campus?

有关如何申请的更多信息,请查看住房申请部分 to live on campus.

Apply to live on campus

Can I live off campus?

是的,学生可以住在校外,但是我们相信学生能更好地适应 如果你第一年住在学校,可以去学校和其他同学见面. Students 是否需要确保他们自己的校外安排,因为我们不保护他们 for you.

How can I obtain a visa?

Learn more about the visa process on our visa fact sheet.

When will I get the I-20?

录取后,学生需要提供来自学校的财务证明 最近3个月证明他们有足够的资金至少维持一学年; 澳门赌场在线娱乐财务证明表格的复印件和他们的家庭邮寄地址 and phone number. 所有包裹必须直接寄给学生,不能邮寄 mailed to any recruitment partner. All packages are mailed from Wilkes to the student via UPS and you will be provided a tracking number.


我们倾向于与多个代表合作,并为您提供必要的服务 resources to have a successful partnership.


澳门赌场在线娱乐不能支付任何佣金的学生转到大学没有 current contract in place. 我们可以接受你的学生,没有合同,但佣金 除非你们有有效的合同,并且按时给我们开发票,否则我们不会付款 per your contract.

Our Partners


T. Thamilvani Bharani
Regional Manager - South Asia
+91 9840071286

International Recruiters

澳门赌场在线娱乐与以下国际招生人员签署了协议 agencies. 请参阅各代理机构的网站,了解当地办事处或分包商的名单.

International Partnerships

Contact Us


Abby Love

Assoc Director Intl Admissions
International Admissions